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Assembly with a reference genome

Developed by: Julian Catchen, Nicolas Rochette

Adapted by: Ludovic Dutoit



Obtaining an assembly without a reference genome is easy and possible. However, having a reference genome allows us to avoid several issues. We do not have to make assumptions about the “best” value for the -M parameter, and we reduce the risk of collapsing different loci together (“lumping”) or separating one “real” locus into several “erroneous loci” (“splitting”). Studies have demonstrated that having some kind of reference genome is the single best way you can improve GBS SNP calling (see for example Shafer et al. 2016). In this exercise, we will use the publicly available stickleback genome to characterise variants based on our 30 sample dataset. We will conclude today by comparing population structure between the two datasets characterized both using and not using a reference genome.

The stacks pipeline for samples with a reference genome is ref_map.pl. It skips the creation of loci and the catalog steps as reads belong to the same stack/locus if they map to the same location of the reference genome. This means we don’t have to rely on assumptions derived from genetic distances (-M and -n of denovo_map.pl) about whether reads belong to the same locus or not.

The 30 samples have been mapped for you using BWA to save you time and effort. If you’re curious, the mapping script is mapping.md.

Run Stacks with a reference genome

In the folder GBS create an output folder for this analysis, output_refmap.

We’ll use the same samples as before. The mapped files are in:


Create a link in your current directory for this folder (hint: ln -s /path/to/link/ . will link to your current directory)

ref_map.pl has less options since the mapping takes care of many of the steps from denovo_map.pl, such as the creation of loci for each individual before a comparison of all loci across all individuals. Use the online help to build your refmap command.

• Unlike in the previous exercise, ask for 2 threads

• Specify the path to the output folder output_refmap/

• Specify the path to the input folder oregon_stickleback_mapped/

• Specify the path to the population map. We will be able to use the same popmap as for the denovo analysis, since we are using the same samples.

• We only want to keep the loci that are found in 80% of individuals. This is done by passing specific arguments to the populations software inside Stacks. The following should be added to your command: -X "populations: -r 0.80". Make sure you include the quotes.

• Is your command ready? Run it briefly to check that it starts properly, once it does stop it using ctrl + c

• Time to put that into a job script. You can use the job script from the last exercise as a template. We will simply make a copy of it under a different name. In practice, we often end up reusing our own scripts.

cp denovojob.sh refmapjob.sh

• Open refmapjob.sh using a text editor. Adjust the number of cpus to 2, adjust the running time to 10mn, and the job name to refmap. Most importantly, replace the denovo_map.pl command with your ref_map.pl command.

• Save it, and run the job:

sbatch refmapjob.sh

That should take about 5 minutes. Remember you can use squeue -u <yourusername> to check the status of the job. Once it is not there anymore, it has finished. This job will write out an output log called output_refmap/refmap.log that you can check using less.

Analyse your results.

• Examine the output of the populations program in the file ref_map.log inside your output_refmap folder. (hint: use the less command).

• How many SNPs were identified?

• How does this run compare to the runs on the Google Sheet ?

• Why did it run so much faster than denovo_map.pl ?

• As a thought exercise: Do you have any idea how we could check whether the same loci have been found as in the de novo run or not?

Well done, you now know how to call SNPs with or without a reference genome. It is worth re-iterating that even a poor-quality reference genome should improve the quality of your SNP calling by avoiding “lumping” and “splitting” errors.